New Year’s Resolutions 2018

December is over and your Christmas season is coming to a close. If you’re like me, you have friends that are scrambling to find NYE plans and find the best way to celebrate with others It’s that time of year again to create resolutions and find ways to improve your next year. You brainstorm ways to improve your body and mind, and look back on what you’ve accomplished so far this year. Often times you find yourself disappointed in the changes that didn’t stick, so this year try and create resolutions that introduce a mindset change, or are ones that are easier to accomplish. Here are a few of mine that I set last year in my New Years Resolution post from 2017 and what I actually did.


I did not do this as much as I should have, but I did open myself up to new foods and trying to be kinder to myself when making food changes. I started making mindset changes and rather than viewing food as good or bad, I look at food ad either fueling my body or making my happy and I make choices based on this which has made me happier and look at preparing and creating foods in a better light.


I was blessed this year with so many more injuries. I sprained my foot and wrist, cracked a rib, dislocated my knee twice and it always coincided with the beginning of my 30 day yoga challenge, or start of a 3 month gym membership. I think I put too much pressure on doing certain things in certain timelines and ended up causing myself more anguish by trying to make my way through the injuries instead of giving my body time to rest.


I was successful in carving out time to be more mindful. I took meditation and mindfulness classes and tried to hold myself to 1 minute meditation for a couple times a week. I found writing difficult and hard to do with my busy schedule, but I viewed the time spent meditating as a win.


I went to two! But then went back to England, Holland and Bali this year. I embarked on my 6 month trip with no end location and I am so happy that I took the leap. It was scary because I didn’t have enough really to last me that long, but I’m optimistic and I know I’ll figure it out.


This is still something that I am working on. I got rid of a lot to move into storage, but I still have large items that tie me down that I need to get rid of. Traveling with just a backpack has made me so much more appreciative of what you really need in life and I want to continue that into next year.


It’s sad that having someone close to me passing away re-framed my mindset, but I’m glad I spent my year making decisions that benefited my happy mindset. I had a closer friend that passed away in August and it was my final push to get my to book my trip across the water.

And after looking through these, I have created new ones of my own, but with similar intentions:

Get rid of the toxic in my life

There is such a theme this year with everyone from your average-joe to celebrities posting about getting rid of the toxic people in your life. I’ve been channeling this since last year and I really haven’t been taking action until the later half of this year, but its been so great. I think toxic can show up in friends, family, job and habits. Taking a look at what toxic places, people and workplaces will help me choose what I want to keep in my life moving forward.

Say more yes

I want to say yes more and instead of living my life afraid of what might happen if I venture outside of my comfort zone. I’ve started taking steps while traveling, but I have a feeling this next couple months will really test this and i’ll be saying yes to new opportunities complete out of my comfort zone. I can’t wait.

Choose the right things for my body

This means choosing to nourish it will the foods that will make me feel healthier and make my body work to the fullest extent. Protein, fruits, vegetables, fiber, things that make me smile and choosing things that make me happy. That goes the same for activity. Choosing things that are good for my body and choosing activities that make me feel stronger and more able to do the day-to-day.

Write more

Not just for this blog, because I am proud of how much i’ve written so far, but for other things. And getting more contributors on board and creating what I’ve always hoped C&V would be, a place where you can come and read about a variety of topics, a resource for living life happily. If anyone wants to contribute, let me know!

I see 2019 as a year of opportunity and having the courage and the confidence to move forward in my life and exploring the world. I hope for each and every one of you that you feel the same and have a very happy New Years Eve.

- Love E  


Travel Tips: Staying Healthy


What to Do: Hoi An