What they don’t tell you when you go long-term traveling

I’ve gone on quite a few trips, and every time I leave things change and I’m never prepared for it. I am terrible with change (i’m working on it), but here are a few things that I’ve noticed no one tells you about when you traveling:


Things will change and move forward without you

You may feel like when you leave, the world will stop, your friends won’t hang out without you and they won’t get together because you didn’t plan it, people will stay the same person you left them, and the world where you once knew will stay the same.

But the exact opposite happens. I remember my first time traveling away for a period of time. It was actually going away for university, which I believe still follows this example, and I left for 4 months before coming back for Christmas. There was an adjustment period after leaving that long as my friends had changed, the dynamic was different, people were friends where they weren’t before, they had new jokes, they seemingly kept moving when I was gone. The first time this happened, I was really sad about it. I was sad that I wasn’t an integral part of their life, and I hadn’t needed to be there for things to move forward.

In fact, leaving and coming back all the time has given me this great appreciation for the world around me and appreciating what I have in the moment. You can never guarantee that you’ll return to the same world you left, and that’s okay.

You are going to feel a little left out sometimes

Yes, you’re heading on a cool trip. Yes you’re going to meet all these new people. Yes, you’re going to have the time of your life. However, when all of your friends back home get together and you see it on social media, part of you is going to feel a little left out. It’s okay to feel that way and it ties into the above. Life keeps moving without you there, and it’s great that they’re having a great time! You are too! Just remember that and acknowledge the situation for what it is. You may be feeling a little homesick, and like you want familiarity, so give someone you love a call and let them know you’re thinking about them!

You will come back different

Just like your life back home keeps moving, so do you. You are going to be affected and shaped by this new experience, whether its new people, new cultures, new experiences. Everything will help change you slightly, and generally it’s a good thing. Your mind is open to new things and you have an appreciation of other things out there. You will have also continued to learn and grow while you were gone.

It’s okay for things to change once you’re back home

You may feel like you don’t fit when you get home, and sometimes, the reasons you fit somewhere no longer exist. That’s okay! You have to appreciate what you have when you have it, and things have changed and so have you. Maybe that means your routine is different, maybe that means your core group of people is no longer on the same wavelength you are. And that’s totally okay. Be open to the change and be open to moving forward as this new person.

Things that also may change:

  • cringing when you pull out $5 for a coffee when you know that pays for a night in a hostel somewhere on a beach

  • being a snob when you go to restaurants where you’ve eaten food from the actual country.

  • becoming a free thinking hippie.

  • Cracking down and figuring out a real life path

  • Deciding you no longer want to be on the life path you’re on

And so many more. Just anticipate change, and go with it :)

Happy traveling everyone.

Love, E


Long Term Travel Checklist


Visas in SE Asia