New Year’s Resolutions ‘17
I recently read a great article about creating resolutions. It suggested that instead of creating lofty goals that were just out of reach and unrealistic, try and create some small goals that you can accomplish in the new year. Each year, I try and get myself together a bit more by creating goals that aim high, but like most people, end up disappointing myself by the middle to end of January but letting them drop. Instead, I'm setting some realistic goals that I can accomplish throughout the year.
1. Cut out the foods I'm allergic or sensitive to.
In previous posts, I've talked about my allergy to many foods after going through the AIP diet a couple times. I know what I'm allergic to or have sensitivities to, so I need to do myself a favour and cut them down or cut them out to be healthier and feel better. It’s not a diet, but it’s a lifestyle and health choice that would be smart to make.
2. Go to yoga or an exercise class 3 times a week.
This is surprisingly not a difficult thing to do! I already love going to yoga and trying a new exercise class once and awhile is something that I'd like to do. There is something called a Class Pass here that allows you to try new classes out and I think before committing to something full-time, I should try out a variety of classes. I have always wanted to try Aerial Yoga and explore kickboxing further. This is the year for that!
3. Make time for mindfulness.
I received a book called "Washing Dishes is Good for You". If anyone here knows me well, they'll know that I hate doing dishes. They are brutal and if there is one thing in the world I'd rather not do, it's dishes! But I started reading this book, which branches off into general mindfulness and it made me realize that dishes can be a small act of cleaning, but also a small moment for quite, calm and mindfulness, I think I'll start writing further about mindfulness in the new year and the benefits from it that I hope to gain.
4. Visit at least 3 new countries.
Or maybe 5 or maybe 10. I want to get back out there and travel like I used to now that I am a solo female traveler once more. I want to see the world while I'm still young and have no mortgage, no pets and no kids. If a significant other comes into my life, so be it, but I am not letting anyone or anything stand in my way. I am going to take better control of my life and use what options are out there to my advantage.
5. Pair down. On everything,
I have a lot of clothes, a lot of appliances, a lot of stored food, a lot of decorations; a lot of everything. I need to make sure that I'm constantly pairing down on my items to make sure that I don't accumulate junk. When I decide to move things to storage and go travel, I'm going to need to make sure that I only have as much as I need to save for 6 months to a year.
6. Spend time doing things for me.
Whether that means a pizza night to myself, or taking a spa day, or buying myself that coffee sometimes. Saving, budgeting and living simply is great, but you need to make sure you take the time to treat yourself a bit. I recently had someone I knew pass away and it reminded me yet again, that life is too short to put up bad situations, negative people and constant stress situations. I experience all of these on a daily basis and it's time to stop. I'm going to invest in myself and find ways to enjoy each day.
What are your NYE resolutions this year? What are you going to work on that is realistic?
- E