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Loss of a Friend
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Loss of a Friend

As I write this, I have just found out a close friend of mine had passes away suddenly. I’ve been told “you’ll get used to it”, “things will get better as you get older”, “you’ll eventually get used to it when people you know start to pass”. This isn’t my first friend to pass away suddenly at a young age, and it hasn’t seemed that it hurts any less. Here is a personal post with just a few thoughts on young loss.

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Turning 27
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Turning 27

This year I'm turning 27, and I'm not going to lie, it scares me. I'm entering into my late 20's and I feel like I still don't have anything figured out. I don't have long-term plans and I don't have any short term goals. 

But I really thought about it, and 27 is a year to really figure out what I want in life. It's a year that I can spend really figuring out what I want to do, where I want to live, where I want to go and who I want to surround myself with.

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April Inspirations
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

April Inspirations

Now that April is right around the corner, we've rounded up what we are loving right now, from new clothes to DIY's. I am in love with springtime as it means I can break out the flats and the boyfriend jeans and experience a bit of Vitamin D on the skin. Here are a few things that are inspiring me this April!

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February Inspirations
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

February Inspirations

We've been spending a lot of time working on this blog the past couple weeks and planning out our year ahead that January has flown by. It's amazing how the beginning of January starts off with goal setting, organization and well intentions. Whether you set out to go to the gym five times a week and ended up watching your favourite shows on Netflix instead, or pledged to eat healthy and instead re-downloaded that food ordering app, February can be your new start.

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Dealing with Stress
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Dealing with Stress

What can I say, stress can contribute to a lot of problems in the body. You can go from being a healthy person to hospitalization in a couple months if you aren't careful and manage your everyday stress. This can come from not having a work life balance, a stressful job, relationship issues, family problems. The list goes on.

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New Year’s Resolutions ‘17
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

New Year’s Resolutions ‘17

recently read a great article about creating resolutions. It suggested that instead of creating lofty goals that were just out of reach and unrealistic, try and create some small goals that you can accomplish in the new year.

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Living Hygge: Comfort Food
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Living Hygge: Comfort Food

For this week of Living Hygge, I'm going to focus on food. In my book about Hygge, they gave a few different recipes on comfort food, but as a celiac, I had to go digging for my own Hygge recipes.

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Living Hygge: Bedrooms
Home, Life Michaela Brownlee Home, Life Michaela Brownlee

Living Hygge: Bedrooms

Bringing the feeling of Hygge into the bedroom is the most important in my book. Your bedroom is the ultimate place to create a cozy haven where you can curl up, light a candle, have a mug of tea, and read or write in your journal. Here are some key components to a Hygge Bedroom.

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Learning to live on your own again.
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Learning to live on your own again.

Sometimes things don't work out and it's okay. No matter how much you love someone, when you have a few key differences, it's sometimes hard to compromise without feeling like you're losing a part of yourself. Here is how I'm learning to live on my own again.

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Yoga Challenge
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

Yoga Challenge

As one of my resolutions was incorporating more yoga into my life, and with that comes the need to have the right equipment. I already have a few yoga mats and a variety of athletic wear, but there is no harm in investing in a new piece to get you motivated. Some of my must-have workout wear is below.

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January Resolutions ‘16
Life Michaela Brownlee Life Michaela Brownlee

January Resolutions ‘16

Every year, people kick off the New Year by creating resolutions. Some people decide they are going to start exercising, or eating healthy. Some people decide that this is the year to find love, or this year they're going to travel the world. The thing about resolutions is a lot of people give up within the first month. Resolutions don't have to be something that you do everyday, they can be things that you start to do and then just do your best to continue as well.

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Winter Cozy-ing
Life, Home Michaela Brownlee Life, Home Michaela Brownlee

Winter Cozy-ing

My favourite part about living in Calgary during the winter is the easy access to the mountains. I was involved in a photoshoot last week which needed me up in Banff for a few days, and although it was -25 most days, I really enjoyed exploring more of the beauty the Rocky Mountains have to offer.

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